[冨田勲][Movie]武士の一分,Love and Honor,Tomita Isao

武士の一分,Love and Honor,Samurai movie soundtrack



  • 尺八の音色が物語を引き立てる。/The sound of the shakuhachi complements the story.
  • 武士の生き様を表した曲。/A song that expresses the way of life of a samurai
  • 侍のように決意を胸に取り組むときに聞きたい。/I want to hear when I work on my heart like a samurai


  • 曲名/Title:Bushino_itibun
  • 作曲家/Artist:Tomita Isao
  • アルバム/Album:富田勲×山田洋二 時代劇三部作ベストセレクション
  • ジャンル/Category:Japanese classical music
  • URL:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gTi-UwUBqNE





Hello. This is the site owner’s san_tamori..

Today is the theme song “Love and Honor” of “Love and Honor”, one of the trilogy of historical drama(samurai movie) by Yoji Yamada. The site owner doesn’t watch historical drama so much, but this Yoji Yamada trilogy “The Hidden Blade”, “The Twilight Samurai”, and “Love and Honor” are my favorite movies. Even if you are treated unreasonably, you can live strongly without abandoning the samurai’s ambitions. Even if you are treated unreasonably, you can live strongly without abandoning the samurai’s ambitions. This song “Samurai’s Minute” is a song in which one samurai has endured the unreasonableness of the world, but he stands up to protect one woman, his wife. The shakuhachi spirit that can be seen everywhere inspires us. Even if I am poor, I feel such a strong message that I can live strongly if I have the ambition.

It’s a song with a Japanese atmosphere. Although it is old, the theme is new and modern. Listening to this song inspires my heart.

The recommended situation to listen to this song is when you do something with a stubborn will. Above all, the shakuhachi tone and breathing evoke our sleeping spirit. Please listen when you are determined.


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