[Hisaishi joe][Drama]坂の上の雲,Saka no ue no kumo,Orchestra Historical Music

坂の上の雲,Sakanouenokumo,Orchestra Historical Music

Stand Alone For Orchestra



  • 王道なオーケストラ。/”The” orchestra music
  • 情熱的に夢に向かう人々のドラマ/A drama of people who are passionate about their dreams
  • 落ち込んだ自分を鼓舞してくれる/Inspires me when I’m depressed


Hello. This is the site owner’s sword.

Isn’t there anyone in Japan who doesn’t know? Today I would like to introduce Joe Hisaishi’s music, which is so famous. He started his career in the 1990s and made his debut as a movie composer in the movie “Quartet”. After that, he was in charge of composing the famous Studio Ghibli movie, and also in charge of the movie directed by Takeshi Kitano, making a spectacular film composer career. His songs are so moving that it makes me think that there is magic that makes me feel nostalgic. It’s a countryside landscape in Japan, and it makes me feel very nostalgic. The site owner is my favorite composer in Japan.

Even so, today’s song is a song that expresses Japan at the time of the Meiji era. It was an era that changed rapidly from the Edo period and rapidly developed to catch up with Western industry. It is a song that desperately puts the souls of people who lived passionately into the song in such a dizzying era.

It’s an orchestra-like song, and it’s a very magnificent song. I get the impression that I’m really squeezing through the clouds and heading toward the hill above it.

When I listen to this song, I want to listen to it when I want to encourage myself when I’m depressed. It is absolutely encouraging. It’s such a great song (I don’t have a lot of vocabulary ..).

Joe Hisaishi will continue to introduce you. looking forward to.








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