[Jonathan Morali][Game]Max&Chloe,Life is strange,nostalgic guitar music

Max&Chloe ,Life is Strange,Nostalgic Guitar music




  • 静かなあなたの気持ちに寄り添う。/Be quiet and snuggle up to your feelings.
  • ギターで一つの世界観を作り上げている曲。/A song that creates a world view with a guitar
  • ギターで癒されたい時におすすめ/Recommended when you want to be healed with a guitar.


Hello. This is the site owner.

Today’s song is “Max & Chloe” from the game “Life is Strange”. It is a youth story of Max, a girl who has the ability to rewind time, and her best friend Chloe. When you hear the story of youth, you may think of something glittering, but this story is about the loss of making mistakes because you are young. I acted without thinking ahead and did something irreparable. .. The ending theme that flows at the end is this song, which makes me feel uncomfortable. It is a song that has the unique world and emptiness created by the guitar, and it is a very unique song. If you think that it expresses the relaxing time of the morning, you can feel nostalgia and emptiness when you listen to it. There are many recommended songs other than this song in this game. I will recommend it soon.

It was the first time for a site owner to create such a world view with a guitar. When it comes to games, the recognition is lower than in other media, so I want you to know this song without knowing the game. I introduced it with such a thought.

I want to listen to this song in a relaxed mood when I wake up in the morning. You can listen in the tranquility of the night. It will be kind to you.


今日の楽曲はゲーム「Life is Strange」の「Max &Chloe」です。時を巻き戻す能力をもつ少女マックスと親友クロエの青春物語です。青春物語と聞くと、きらきらしているものを思い浮かべるかもしれませんが、この物語は若いゆえの過ちを犯す喪失の物語になります。後先考えず行動し、取り返しのつかないことをしてしまった。。最後に流れるエンディングテーマがこの曲であり、なんとも言えない気持ちになります。ギターが作り出す独特の世界感と虚しさを併せ持った曲で、とてもユニークな楽曲となります。朝のゆったりと流れる時間を表現しているかと思えば、聞いていると懐かしさと虚しさを感じることができます。このゲームの楽曲はこの曲以外にもおすすめの楽曲がたくさんあります。そのうちおすすめしますね。




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