[Sato Naoki][Drama]シンクロBOM-BA-Ye,WATER BOYS,Rhythmical trumped and violin

Here We GO! ,WATER BOYS,Rhythmical trumped and violin



  • リズミカルな手拍子。/Rhythemical Clap.
  • 高校生の夏らしく、とても活発な曲。/A very lively song that seems to be summer for high school students
  • 元気をもらいたい時などにおすすめ/Recommended when you want to get energized.


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Today’s composer is “Naoki Sato”. Many composers may not know it. However, it is no exaggeration to say that the drama music of the 2000s is the only one of this person, and he makes many famous songs. Movies such as “Always Sunset on Third Street” and “Ryomaden”. It is still used in TV BGM. The drama “WATER BOYS” is a drama about the youth of high school students who devote themselves to synchronized swimming, and it is characterized by many songs that are very bright and energizing. It is a song that is suitable for the liveliness of youth boys and represents people who just go straight without feeling any worries. It really gives you energy.

Listen to the melody of the claps and the rhythmic music of the trumpet and you’ll never get out of your head!

This song is recommended when you want to get energized or change your mood.


今日の作曲家は「佐藤 直紀」です。作曲家でいうと知らないなという人が多いかもしれません。ですが、2000年代のドラマ音楽はこの人の独壇場といっても過言ではないほど、有名な曲をたくさん作っています。映画「ALWAYS 三丁目の夕日」「龍馬伝」などなど。今でもテレビのBGMとかで使われていたりします。ドラマ「WATER BOYS」はシンクロナイズスイミングに打ち込む高校生の青春を描いたドラマでとても明るい、そして元気をもらえる曲が多いのが特徴です。青春男子の活発さにふさわしい、悩みを感じさせず、ただまっすぐに進む人たちを表した曲になっています。本当に元気をもらえます。




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