[SAWANO HIROYUKI][ANIME]MAIN THEME,Spectacle and Nostalgic orchestra music

[SAWANO HIROYUKI][ANIME]MAIN THEME,Spectacle and Nostalgic orchestra music



  • 郷愁と壮大さを兼ね備えたオーケストラ楽曲。/Orchestral music that combines nostalgia and grandeur.
  • トランペットと軽快なドラムが私を鼓舞する。/Trumpet and nimble drums inspire me.
  • 戦いに向かう時に聞きたい。/I want to hear when heading to the battle


Hello. This is the site owner’s san_tamori..

Today, the theme song will be “MAIN THEME” from the anime “Gigantic Formula”. This animation is an animation that depicts the battle between robots. The composer is Hiroyuki Sawano, who loves the site owner. Just listening to his song is unique enough to tell if it’s his song. He is good at fusing orchestra and band music, but this song is a trumpet main song that goes on the royal road. This song is a robot thing that he was in charge of for the first time, so it seems that he made it with a lot of energy. It is a magnificent song suitable for the main theme, and the trumpet tone shown everywhere is a song that invites nostalgia.

Sounds an army-inspiring drum suitable for battles, and sends out heroes heading for battle. In the middle, the momentum of the early stage is gone and the solo trumpet is also good. It is a hint of excitement towards the end. I want you to hear it!

When you listen to this song, it will be a song that you can listen to before the announcement or when you want to inspire yourself in the face of difficulties.


今日はアニメ「機神大戦ギガンティック・フォーミュラ」からテーマ曲「MAIN THEME」になります。このアニメはロボット同士の戦いを描いたアニメになっています。作曲家は、サイト主が大好きな澤野弘之です。彼の曲は聞いただけで、彼の曲かわかるだけのユニークさがあります。オーケストラとバンドミュージックの融合が得意な彼ですが、この曲は王道を行くトランペットメインの曲になります。この曲は彼自身が初めて担当したロボット物ということもあってかなり、気合を入れて作成した曲らしいです。メインテーマにふさわしい壮大な曲で、随所に見せるトランペットの音色が郷愁を誘う曲になっています。




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