[Sawano Hiroyuki][Drama]Back to the Starting Point、澤野弘之、joyous and gorgeous orchestra

Back to the Starting Point、澤野弘之、joyous and gorgeous orchestra

Back to the Starting Point


  • ラッパが印象的。/Impressive trumpet
  • とても単純明快で、聞いていてすっきりする曲/Very simple and clear song that is refreshing to listen to.
  • 朝起きるときにピッタリ/Perfect when waking up in the morning.


Hello. This is the site owner’s sword.

First of all. Be careful of the volume. Suddenly it starts from the climax.

Today’s song will be “Back to the Starting Point” from the drama “Bomb Bee Men”. It’s a very clear song with a trumpet in charge of the main melody. The site owner has never seen this drama, but Hiroyuki Sawano is also a composer with spoilers in the title, so I can guess that it is a song to return to the origin (laugh). It’s a song that really inspires me, and it’s a song that wakes up in a good way when I wake up in the morning.

The site owner used this song to wake up his smartphone for a while. At first, you might think it’s a noisy song, but it’s gradually monotonous, so the rhythm gets used to your body. The sound of the trumpet becomes comfortable. I wonder why .. This song is the first time I’ve been comfortable with the explosion. It’s such a song.

The situation I hear is when I want to feel that it started in the morning. It’s nice to get up in the morning, but how about this morning?



今日の曲はドラマ「貧乏男子」より、「Back to the Starting Point」になります。非常に明快でラッパが主旋律を担当する曲です。サイト主自体はこのドラマを見たことがないのですが、澤野弘之はタイトルにネタバレを挟む作曲家でもあるので、原点に立ち返るときの曲なんだなと推測できます(笑)。本当に元気をもらえる曲で、朝起きるときにいい意味で起こされる曲です。






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