




  • 歴史の流れを感じさせてくれる。/Makes you feel the flow of history.
  • 昔の人をリスペクトする気持ちにさせる。/Makes old people feel respectful.
  • ノスタルジックで心を熱くさせる。/Nostalgic and heart-warming.


  • 曲名/Name:その時歴史が動いたED
  • 作曲家/Composer:谷川賢作
  • アルバム/Album:その時歴史が動いた オリジナル・サウンド・トラック
  • ジャンル/Category:drama music
  • 購入リンク/Link:https://amzn.to/3JKTEjv

Hello. This is the site owner.

Today’s song is the ED song of NHK “History moved at that time”. It’s a history program that the site owner liked most, and it’s a song that plays when the words that describe the life of the characters are introduced at the end of the ED. The history at that time is various, and it tells various stories such as the glory of aristocrats, the ambitions of samurai, the rise of life, and the thirst for peace. What did people think and disperse at that time? It’s hard to know, but you can think. We are now because there were people in the past. In addition, it is such a song that makes us realize that we are living in the history of “now”.

This song expresses history as a big river and a magnificent flow, and the orchestral songs that boil up inspire us. It’s just a small part of history, and it may seem like it’s going to lose its meaning. But even that small flow makes me feel that it is a flow that people of the past have spun, and that I have to live. The narration that flows in the program is good again. The site owner likes the story of Shoin Yoshida the most.

Someone who wants to inspire. Recommended for those who want to get hot with nostalgic music.






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