[Thomas Bergersen 特集第2弾] Emerald Princess (feat. Chris Bleth, Merethe Soltvedt)

Thomas Bergersen第二弾…オーケストラとEDMの融合!?

Emerald Princess


  • ノリノリの気分になれる。
  • オーケストラとEDMの融合なんてありえないっ??いいえ、ありえます。
  • 最後に追い込みをかけたい時に聞きたい曲




この曲はすごくノリノリになる曲なので、踊りだしたくなってしまいます。(汗)作業をやっている方は、あともうひと踏ん張りという時に、聞いてみると力が湧いてきますので、おすすめです。Thomas Begresenはなんて偉大なんだ!


Can you imagine a song that combines orchestra and EDM? I didn't even think about it until I heard this song. But this song makes it happen. The beginning begins with an orchestra with a rustic atmosphere. I imagined the atmosphere of a village where the main character in the early part of the movie departs (laughs). From there, it gradually becomes more exciting, and the main character gradually encounters difficulties, overcomes the difficulties, and grows .. It becomes such a magnificent orchestra. When I think it's over here, I start preparing for the song to be transposed and become an up-tempo song. Then, it is a song that the song has become EDM before I knew it. (Laughs) That's really true. Towards the end of the song, the orchestra's tunes are combined to create a song that you have never heard before. When I first heard this song, I was shocked. I don't usually hear about EDM, but this has overturned the conventional concept. Please watch it!

This song is a very exciting song, so it makes me want to start dancing. For those who are doing (sweat) work, it is recommended because it will give you more power when you ask it when you need to take another step. What a great Thomas Begresen!

The composer officially puts the music on Youtube, so please listen to it.



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